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MVA Fund Conducts WCC/GLA Workshop

MVA Fund conducted an insightful workshop on Workers’ Compensation Claims (WCC) and Group Life Assurance (GLA).

The objectives of the workshop were to:

  • Provide corporates with an in-depth understanding of our products and services to ensure they’re fully informed about the Fund’s functions and operations.
  • Offer a comprehensive background on GLA/WCC from the MVA Fund’s unique perspective, shedding light on its significance and impact.
  • Engage with stakeholders to gather valuable feedback on WCC/GLA claims, fostering an open dialogue to address concerns effectively.
  • Identify challenges, celebrate successes, and explore opportunities collaboratively to bolster our working relationships.
  • Enhance service delivery and streamline turnaround times, ensuring a seamless experience for all involved parties.

When addressing the attendees, the Guest Speaker, Commissioner of Workers Compensation Ms Sadie Kgaodi, emphasized the importance of corporates having full understanding of the WCC Act to timely assist their clients. Ms. Kgaodi’s insights illuminated the path forward, empowering organisations to be proactive and responsive in their client service.

The event was attended by esteemed corporates from across the greater Gaborone area, coming together to deepen their understanding and commitment to supporting their clients in navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation.